vineri, 8 noiembrie 2013


 The Academy of Sciences of Moldova - the highest scientific forum of the country - is a state institution, has the status of a juridical person, an autonomous statute and activates on the principles of self -administration.
At present, the Academy of Sciences of Moldova brings together 47 Full Members, 60 Corresponding Members and 38 Honorary Members where representatives of the main 3 sectors of Moldova's science are elected: academic sector- 51 %, university sector - 26,4 % and branch sector -13,2 %.
The  considerable representativeness of university and branch sectors in the componence of the Academy ensures the maintenance of a profound interaction between fundamental research, university teaching, applicative research and tehnological development between the Academy of Sciences, Universities and departmental institutes.
From the total number of Full Members and Corresponding Members 9,4% are working in unions of creation, public institutions and other organization.
The activity of the Academy of Sciences is based on the Law regarding the state policy in the research and development sphere (1999), the Law on the Academy of Sciences of Moldova (2000), the Statute of the Academy and other normative documents.
The process of the Academy's constitution has begun in 1946 when the Moldovan Base of scientific researches of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. was created, which, in its turn, in 1949 was transformed into the Moldovan Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the U.R.S.R. The establishment of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova took place on August 2, 1961.
The Academy comprises 4 Scientific Section: Mathematical, physical and Technical Sciences; Biological, Chemical and Agricultural Sciences; Humanities, Social and Economical Sciences, and Medical Sciences in whose componence the institutes and scientific centres of the Academy are included. At the same time, through the Section for Biological, Chemical and Agricultural Sciences and the Section for Medical Sciences the Academy of Sciences contributes to the coordination of the scientific activity of 17 institutes subordinated to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry and respectively of  8 institutes subordinated to the Ministry of Health. The scientific research institutes of the Academy are autonomous with regard their activity. They independently determine the organization of their scientific activity, the institutional structure, forms of colaboration and co-operation with different scientific and economical organizations, including those from abroad.
In the framework of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova there are also the Experimental - Production Base, Publishing - Polygraphic  Enterprise "Ştiinţa", the Printing-House, The Central Scientific  Library, Central Scientific Archive, The Centre of Plant Genetic Resources, National Collection of Microorganisms, the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnography.

At present, in the Academy of Sciences fundamental and applied researches are conducted in the following fields of science: problems of mathematics and informatics; theoretical physics; solid - state physics; micro - and optoelectronics; transfer processes in electric and magnetic fields; geological and geophysical processes; physical and technical problems of power engineering; chemistry of coordinated compounds; bioinorganic chemistry ; physiology and biochemistry; microbiology; ecology; protection , renewal and rational utilization  of flora and fauna; physiology of stress; genetics, medicine; history; linguistics and literature; philosophy; ethnography; art; economy etc.
The Academy of Sciences of Moldova actively develops international relations and successfully integrates itself in the world scientific community. The scientists from the Academy effects joint scientific researches with the colleagues from other countries. The Academy of Sciences of Moldova collaborates with a number of important scientific organizations as INTAS, UNESCO, IAEA, NATO Scientific Committee, ALLEA and is a member of the International Association of Academies of Sciences (IAAS) and of the International Council of Scientific Unions (UK).
The scientific research institutes of the Academy collaborate with scientific organizations, universities and industrial firms with scientific organizations, universities and industrial firms from România, Poland, Hungary, Germany, Italy, France, Belgium, Austria, Russia, Ukraine, Japan, USA, Israel, Turkey and participate in joint scientific investigations.   

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